50+ Valentine’s Day Quotes for Friends + Caption Ideas! (2024)

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Valentine’s Day may be known around the world as a day for romantic love, but we here at Thoughtful Gift Club believe that all kinds of love ought to be celebrated on this special day, especially when it’s a love as special as the one shared between good friends.

So, if you find yourself spending Valentine’s Day with friends this year, or if you simply want to give a shoutout to your besties in a sweet and adorable way, below, you’ll find plenty of ideas for Valentine’s Day quotes for friends, along with friend-themed Instagram captions for Valentine’s Day.

We’ve separated everything into categories, ranging from funny friend quotes for Valentine’s Day to more heartfelt options, and even one filled with great song lyrics that fit the bill. We hope you like them!

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50+ Valentine’s Day Quotes for Friends + Caption Ideas! (1)

Funny Valentine’s Day Quotes for Friends

Not sure what to write in a Valentine’s Card for a friend, or looking to send your friend a special Valentine’s message this year? Here are some funny ideas that will surely make them laugh.

Someday you’ll find someone who sees you for your true worth… and then I’ll fight them off with a broom because you’re mine. Happy Valentine’s Day from your forever #1.

Well, at least someone wished you a Happy Valentine’s Day, right?

So I know I’m not your usual type (i.e. I’m not trash), but will you be my Valentine?

Happy Valentine’s Day, my dear friend. I can’t wait to grow old with you, because let’s face it – no one else is going to do it.

Cheers to another Valentine’s Day in denial that we’re low-key perfect for each other and should be married. Maybe we’ll get it right next year.

I love you more than [insert fave food/drink/celeb crush], which is a scary amount of love. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Wishing you a Happy Valentine’s Day now because I intend to be face-planting into a mountain of chocolate soon. Hope you have a wonderful day!

Annual reminder that I’m your #1 Valentine and should come before anyone else you love. Thanks. Love you! Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day, you fox. PS: Don’t forget chocolate is 50% off tomorrow.

Edward Young once said “Friendship is the wine of life”…. so, you’re welcome. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Thanks for sticking by me even though I may be the weirdest person you’ve ever met. I so appreciate you;. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Sending you this over the top love note so that people around you will think you’ve got an actual Valentine. What are friends for, right? You’re welcome. … Also, is it working?

50+ Valentine’s Day Quotes for Friends + Caption Ideas! (2)

Heartfelt Valentine’s Day Messages for Friends

Want something a little more heartfelt? We can do that. Below, you’ll find some nice, kind and sentimental Valentine’s quotes for friends that you can send as-is or write in a card.

Romantic relationships can come and go, but a friendship like ours will last a lifetime. Happy Valentine’s Day to one of my favorite people ever – I hope you have a wonderful day!

With a friend like you in my life, I will forever feel SO loved. Thank you for always cheering me on. You’re the best. Happy Valentine’s Day!

There’s all kinds of love in the world, but if I can be honest, ours is my favorite. Love you, and Happy Valentine’s Day!

Moments with you never cease to brighten my day, so I hope this message brightens yours. Happy Valentine’s Day to one of the best people I’ve ever known. I hope you know how loved you are!

“A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.” – Bernard Meltzer

They say friends are the family you choose, and wow did I choose properly. So grateful to have you in my life. Happy Valentine’s Day, my love!

Thank you for always cheering me on, always laughing at my jokes, and always ensuring I feel so, so loved. You’re an amazing friend and I don’t say it often enough. Happy Valentine’s Day <3

How blessed I feel to have a friend like you. Happy Valentine’s Day!

The best thing about Valentine’s Day is realizing how much love I have in my life. Thanks for being such a huge part of it <3

I must be doing something right if I’ve got a friend like you in my life. Thank you for always being there. Happy Valentine’s Day!

50+ Valentine’s Day Quotes for Friends + Caption Ideas! (3)

Funny Valentine Instagram Captions for Friends

Alright, if you’re spending Valentine’s Day with friends, you might be looking for some fun IG captions to go along with your group photos/dates. Well, here are some ideas for you.

Why have just one Valentine when you can have multiple?

Single and ready to mingle… amongst ourselves. Because we don’t like anybody else.

Who needs Valentine’s Day when you can have Gal-entine’s Day?

“There is nothing better than a friend, unless it is a friend with chocolate”. – Linda Grayson

Yes, in case you’re wondering, we’ve already made a pact to all marry each other if we’re still single by 40. Happy Valentine’s Day from our weird love cult to yours!

Single on Valentine’s Day so we all decided to get together and Wine about it…

“True friendship is hating on everything together.” — Violet Benson … This now for us includes Valentine’s Day.

Ugh, the standards on Tinder are really dropping these days. Had to spend Valentine’s Day with these weirdos.

Is it just me or are my [Tinder, Hinge, Bumble] matches getting uglier and uglier?

To any of my future lovers, sorry – the bar for Valentine’s Day has been set way too high after the most perfect day with these ones.

50+ Valentine’s Day Quotes for Friends + Caption Ideas! (4)

Heartfelt Valentine’s Day Friend Quotes & Captions

If you want to give your friends a shoutout on social media along with a kind and heartfelt caption, here are some ideas.

Celebrating Valentine’s Day with the true loves of my life.

Love takes shape in so many different forms… but my favorite has to be the bond I share with these ones. Happy Valentine’s Day, from my besties to yours.

One day I’ll probably look back on this as one of the best Valentine’s Days I’ve ever had. Cheers to these ones for being the best Valentine dates I could have ever asked for.

The cutest Valentine’s dates I could have ever hoped for.

“The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it.” – Hubert H. Humphrey

“A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”– Walter Winchell

“Rare as is true love, true friendship is rarer.” –Jean de La Fontaine

“True friends are families which you can select.” —Audrey Hepburn

“That’s the thing about friendship, it’s a lot rarer than love, because there is nothing in it for any body.” — Owen Wilson

How did I get so lucky to surround myself with amazing friends like these? Happy Valentine’s Day from my loves to yours!

On a day meant for celebrating love, what better way to enjoy it than with truly amazing friends? Hope you all had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!

One day we’ll look back and realize these were the good old days. Happy Valentine’s Day to the best friends I could ever ask for.

Celebrating love in all its forms today. Thankful for friends like these on this beautiful Valentine’s Day.

My funny valentines <3

50+ Valentine’s Day Quotes for Friends + Caption Ideas! (5)

Best Friend Song Lyrics for Valentine’s Day Captions and Messages

Last but not least, sometimes things are best said with a song lyric or two. Here are some excellent bestie-themed song lyrics that can be repurposed into your friends’ Valentine’s Day message, card or caption.

I get by with a little help from my friends… – “With a Little Help from My Friends”, the Beatles

Just call my name, and I’ll be there. – “I’ll Be There”, the Jackson 5

Where you lead, I will follow. Anywhere that you tell me to. – “Where You Lead”, Carole King

You’ve got a friend in me…- “You’ve Got a Friend in Me”, Randy Newton

Because I knew you… I have been changed for good. – “For Good” (Wicked)

If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. – “Wannabe”, the Spice Girls

I’m only me when I’m with you… – “I’m Only Me When I’m With You”, Taylor Swift

50+ Valentine’s Day Quotes for Friends + Caption Ideas! (6)

We hope you found the perfect Valentine’s Day with friends quotes!

Let us know in the comments if there are any more we should add to the list.

50+ Valentine’s Day Quotes for Friends + Caption Ideas! (2024)
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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.